Sunday, March 12, 2006

About Someone

I took this from my lil brother's friendster blog. Nothing related to my own personal current situation (rrr...well, yaah...*murmuring*). Only some sweet silly retrospection on how funny it was to be in the phase of 'anak-hare-gene' and perhaps some reminder to not underestimate your lil brother sense of 'nyeni' though sometimes you looked at him with question echoed in your mind: who on earth this 'norak' boy anyway? my brother? he he

About Someone

I run to the forest then I sing along
I run to the beach then I shout aloud
Silent... silent...
I hate to be lonely
I want to hear such noise
Like market by chattering voice
I'm bored of being so weary
Thickness, go away from me!
I'm alone with soot around...
Break the glass, let it blast!
Let it squeak to the peak!
There's an angel embroider stripe spider web on white castle's wall
Why doesn't she shake the bell to wake the hell?
Or, should I run to the forest, then turn to the beach?

sounds familiar?